I recently received an invitation from my school's Muslim society for an educational forum this coming Ramadhan. It sounds interesting and I want to go, although it's 6hours long, but I don't have a friend to go with.
Here's the phamplet:

As critical thinking Muslims, we often question. Not willing to passively just accept things at face value. But, what exactly is Islam’s take on "Freedom of Thought"? Can this even be applied in Islam? And what are the "Etiquette in Seeking Knowledge"?
Indeed, this is the dilemma of the knowledge seeker. Looki...ng for answers? Join us this Ramadhan, 21st August, as we join a distinguished panel of speakers to discuss and rediscover the true purpose of seeking knowledge.
Moderator: Ustaz Nasir Johari
Panelists: Dr Albakri Ahmad, Ustaz Azrinah Abu Basri, Ustaz Muhammad Noor Deros
Is it silly to think that I should not go because my level of iman or religion is not as high or the same as the others who go there? What if they ask me a question and I have no idea what's the answer? Will they look at me and think - "How can this person be called a muslimah when she doesn't know the answer? She's wearing a hijab for godsake!"
But what pushes me to want to go for this is that the realization that seeking knowledge in the holy month of Ramadhan surely will bring about its merits. Allah knows how much there's to atone for and repent.
Allah, enlighten me!
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