Alhamdulillah, we've made it through the first day of Ramadhan. Allah had been kind and merciful to us for making it a cool breezy and rainy day, making it easier to get through the day.
But today is very hot and even though I am indoors, there's alot of work to do! Laundry, cleaning up the cupboards and finally, checking emails and writing an entry. Heh heh.
Well, today I want to write about my first terawih prayer for the year.
Unlike many people, I do my first two weeks of terawih at my ustad and ustazah's house and over the years, they have become very like family to me and my family. Its been over 10 years since we've known them and alhamdulillah, I am still learning something new from them each week.
Terawih prayers when I was younger was more fun because ustad and ustazah's kids were still young and we'd all pray together, along with our other friends. But now that we're all grown up, it is very hard to get all the kids together. But, at least the youngest two and the eldest are still around.
Terawih prayers at their house is always very meaningful to me because I see a father who has raised 7 children as a sole breadwinner and yet, very humble and simple. Their house is simple and the most important part of the house is the hall because that's where it's most spacious for prayers. =) On one side of the wall, there are books on religion and alot of Qurans. It's actually very beautiful and like I said before, I am going to buy more books to make a library like that.
Well, but on weekends, I hope to ask Hubtobe to let me follow him to terawih.
This year, I am hoping to go for the Qiyamul Layl. I'm not sure how possible is that, considering that the last week of Ramadan is my first week of school... but I will try my best, insyaallah.
Oh yes, and I am going for that forum on knowledge at Sultan Mosque! I am so excited!
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