Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary...

"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"


May Allah strengthen our love for each other and may he keep us in Iman and among those with Iman...

May He bless us with a fulfilling life to make worship for Him and make us muslims with Taqwa...

May He bless us also with a happy family, a happy home and healthy relationship.

May He grant us forgiveness for our past sins and our future sins and forgive the sins of our parents and our siblings and children.

May He guide us down the right path, shine the light of Ilham on us for our studies and help us seek knowledge in His name.

Insyaallah, with His permission and His will, we will be enjoyed in matrimony soon; in hopes that we become more responsible and faithful in our ibadahs in the name of Allah.

Lihub Billah...

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