Monday, August 30, 2010

A meaningful Fast =)

"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"

I'm currently exhausted and waiting for my hair to dry before I perform my Asr prayers. Today has been a whirlwind of housework- laundry, cleaning and clearing. Heh heh.

When I was younger, I used to hate doing the cleaning and will always lament that my brothers are useless and do not help with the chores. I still do think that and I have made it a point that when I have sons, I will make sure they know how to cook, bake and clean just like the girls.

So after doing handwashing of laundry, I sorted out my past years' worth of readings and notes; dug out what I may need for this semester and chased away the dust mites and god knows what else inside that cupboard of mine.

After that, its cleaning the windows. But by the 4th room, my hands were having blisters and rashes and I had to stop. =( Sensitive skin with no more natural protection.

But the day feels very meaningful because I've done all these with the intention of pleasing Allah and I feel very contented.


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