As morbid as the title of this entry sounds, it is not at all. I just wanted to write an entry about my all time favourite author and book series because I lugged myself all the way to Vivocity and back in search of In Death books by JD Robb.
There are only a few authors whose books I consider worth reading and J.D Robb is one of them. I got hooked on to them when I had to borrow one of her books for my holiday trip, out of desperation. And alhamdulillah, I enjoyed it.
JD Robb is actually a pen name of the famous author, Nora Roberts. Truth is, I shouldn't be promoting such a genre of romance especially since there are raunchy scenes involved. But after years of reading these books, I usually just skip the raunchy parts because it doesn't move the story along. Especially when you are trying to protect your iman and protect your eyes and heart from harm, it is best to skip these parts.
Up till now, I have 16 In Death books and Nora Roberts has written 38 of them! Insyaallah... I will collect them, slowly, month after month... one (or two... or three...) at a time... Hehe.
This is the first book in the series and it was a book that had me, hook line and sinker!

(See summary from wikipedia, here)
I am amazed at how a woman such as Roberts can have the inspiration to write all those stories. And her stories are beyond amazing. I am truly inspired by her. I hope someday I would be able to visit the Turn The Page Bookstore in Maryland, USA. It's a bookshop opened by Nora Roberts' husband and they have days where she would come to autograph books and such. Isn't it just so sweet? Insyaallah, I will have the opportunity someday. Plus, it's near to New York and that's another state I want to visit in the future =)
I do admit it's like an addiction to collect and get the next book... to fill up my ever increasing book collection. I hope to build a library for my children in the future and it has to start now =). I have also started buying Islamic books and insyaallah, my treasure trove of knowledge will be appreciated and passed on.
Books make me happy. And I am grateful to Allah for providing me the means to acquire them as well as the knowledge to read and appreciate these wonderful books.
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