I've been thinking alot about my thesis paper this coming semester and its giving me slight headaches. But the real headache will begin once I know who is my supervising tutor and of course when I actually start collecting data and so on.
But for now, the preparations should have already begun. I have about two weeks before school officially starts and over the past months I had collected about 10 articles... but I don't think that's enough. Yes I know, I'm such a hardworking perfectionist. I am not sure if I need more but I intent to do a complete literature review of these articles before I start school.
My thesis idea is not confirmed as of yet, but it should roughly be covering the meaning of 'leisure' for indonesian domestic maids in Singapore. Unlike their Filipino counterparts, they do not have a fixed rest day and it is negotiable on a case to case basis. This, I have to support with evidence from their agency as well as whatever body that is governing their work regulations.
Truth is, I am looking forward to my thesis project... yes it will be tiring and I will meet alot of rejections here and there but insyaallah, I will persevere.
Sometimes, it is difficult for me to explain to Hubtobe how to study or how to excel in one's discipline when we have different levels of passion for the subject we are studying. I admit that I am a bookworm... and I devour books, articles and journals with no mercy; scrutinizing every detail and re-writing them all out in my own words.
Academia is like that... even in a mathematical book, a good command of english is needed to comprehend the rubbish and twisted way these academics write. Seriously... over the years, I have read works of dead scholars from the 1800s and they have such a way with their language that it is uncomprehendable!
But for now, the preparations should have already begun. I have about two weeks before school officially starts and over the past months I had collected about 10 articles... but I don't think that's enough. Yes I know, I'm such a hardworking perfectionist. I am not sure if I need more but I intent to do a complete literature review of these articles before I start school.
My thesis idea is not confirmed as of yet, but it should roughly be covering the meaning of 'leisure' for indonesian domestic maids in Singapore. Unlike their Filipino counterparts, they do not have a fixed rest day and it is negotiable on a case to case basis. This, I have to support with evidence from their agency as well as whatever body that is governing their work regulations.
Truth is, I am looking forward to my thesis project... yes it will be tiring and I will meet alot of rejections here and there but insyaallah, I will persevere.
Sometimes, it is difficult for me to explain to Hubtobe how to study or how to excel in one's discipline when we have different levels of passion for the subject we are studying. I admit that I am a bookworm... and I devour books, articles and journals with no mercy; scrutinizing every detail and re-writing them all out in my own words.
Academia is like that... even in a mathematical book, a good command of english is needed to comprehend the rubbish and twisted way these academics write. Seriously... over the years, I have read works of dead scholars from the 1800s and they have such a way with their language that it is uncomprehendable!
But the true challenge of academia and research is producing your own thoughts... I see it as a puzzle... I take bits and pieces of ideas from few scholars and try to merge them into my own... and then find evidence from the real world to support it. You have to see that every scholar is writing in a 'pure' type of analysis, meaning that they usually try to explain phenomenons in its extreme forms to highlight its incredulity. I mean just take Karl Marx's idea of communism, in its pure form; yet no society in the world is able to emulate this pure form in all its precisions- suggesting that, this pure form cannot really exist. But of course, you could argue otherwise, if you like. =)
Alright! I'm going back to reading the 10 articles and hopefully I won't get too exhausted and mentally drained by buka time.
May Allah open my mind and my heart into understanding these knowledge that He has made available to me.
Doa before studying:
الْفَهْمِ. اَللَّهُمَّ افْتَحْ عَلَيْنَا اَبْوَابَ رَحْمَتِكَ، وَانْشُرْ عَلَيْنَا خَزَآئِنَ عُلُوْمِكَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ يَااَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِيْنَ
Ya Allah, bukakan kepada kami pintu-pintu rahmat-Mu, dan curahkan kepada kami khazanah-khazanah ilmu-Mu dengan rahmat-Mu wahai Yang Maha Pengasih dari segala yang mengasihi.
Oh Allah, help us open the doors of Your rahmat, and pour onto us all the vessals of Your knowledge with Your rahmat, for You are the most Compassionate of all those who are compassionate.
Ya Allah, bukakan kepada kami pintu-pintu rahmat-Mu, dan curahkan kepada kami khazanah-khazanah ilmu-Mu dengan rahmat-Mu wahai Yang Maha Pengasih dari segala yang mengasihi.
Oh Allah, help us open the doors of Your rahmat, and pour onto us all the vessals of Your knowledge with Your rahmat, for You are the most Compassionate of all those who are compassionate.
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