Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alhamdulillah, it's Ramadhan...

"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"

Alhamdulillah... Ramadhan is here again.

I am thankful to Allah for the health that He has given to me and my family as well as the kindness and rezeki that He has blessed us with.

I am a little sad that I am unable to go for terawih today but insyaallah, I will be able to do so tomorrow.

Right now, I believe the spirits of the deceased are let free from their punishments in the grave and I know they are grateful for the 1 month of solace... and they will come to see us... to see if we still remember them; if we are children with iman or are we lost and break their heart... Someday after I'm gone, I will experience the same thing as well... and I pray that I will see my children and their children always remembering Allah...

May we be given the health and longevity to face the coming Ramadhan, for it will test our will power and iman to the greatest. I am thankful that this month is finally here.


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