Recently, I found out that a co-worker of mine is an on-off hijab wearer. I found out when I was looking through her photos on facebook. I tried not to think about it but I was disappointed. So I told Hubtobe and he told me that I should not be upset with her for her transgressions, but instead I should pray for her; may Allah open her heart to wearing it fulltime. He said that at least she is trying to wear it than not at all.
Hubtobe is always like that... he likes to see the glass as half full rather than half empty; always seeing the good in people and believing that they can change.
At first I was hesitant to make doas for people whom I consider hypocrites. It's not just the on-off hijabies, but also those who wear the hijab but do not pray. They break my heart =( But the worst ones are those who do all the above and still brag about their knowledge of Islam.
But last night, I found some enlightenment. I was reading surah At-Taubah and the meaning scared me so much that I felt humbled and sorry for being upset with these people instead of praying for them to change.
"The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each other: They enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten Allah. so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse." (Surah 9, Verse 67)
I do not wish for anyone to ever be left behind or forgotten by Allah. Truly, nothing is more devastating than that.
“Tidak beriman salah seorang di antara kalian sampai dia mencintai untuk saudaranya apa yang dia cintai untuk dirinya sendiri.” (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim dari Anas bin Malik)
“Doa seorang muslim untuk saudaranya (sesama muslim) tanpa diketahui olehnya adalah doa mustajabah. Di atas kepalanya (orang yang berdoa) ada malaikat yang telah diutus. Sehingga setiap kali dia mendoakan kebaikan untuk saudaranya, maka malaikat yang diutus tersebut akan mengucapkan, “Amin dan kamu juga akan mendapatkan seperti itu.”
The above two hadith seek to remind me that selfishness is not the way of Islam. Making doa for someone without his/her knowledge gives pleasure to Allah i.e. Mardhatillah such that each time you make doa for a fellow Muslim, the angels say 'amin' for you. Masya'allah!
So back to my co-worker. I prayed to Allah such that He would open her heart and guide her back to the right path once again, to love her as He has loved all the people with Iman... and you know what? I saw her for the first time in our workplace musollah during Zuhur today. Masya'allah... I was so touched.
She never enters there except to adjust her clothes or tudung... but this afternoon I saw her there and her slippers were also wet from ablution.
Allah really hears our prayers...
Reference: http://al-atsariyyah.com/?p=1724
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