Yesterday I was on the bus and bumped into one of my ex secondary school friend who also happens to be in the same university as me now. So we were talking and catching up on stuff when she told me about a mutual friend of ours who has had a misfortune.
The father of this mutual friend of ours recently had a stroke, leaving him paralyzed and unable to speak or recognize his family. It so happen that this friend of ours went for an exchange programme and when she returned, her father did not even know who she was. That must have been so painful for her and family... and I can only imagine their torture. Innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun...
Although we were not close especially after we went to different classes in secondary three, I still will pray for her and her family to have the strength to get through this ordeal. Whether or not her father makes it through, I hope that she will not lose her faith in Allah... and I pray that Allah lessens the burden on her. See... she still has a year to go in uni and she still has younger siblings who are still schooling and i think her mother has been a housewife her whole life.
I feel very sad for her... and after hearing this news, I am grateful that my father has quit smoking for more than 20 years now... and that he is still healthy. Allah has given my family more rezeki by letting my father work overseas... and I can only pray that Allah, the sustainer of all life on earth, continue to bless us with such rezeki.
On this topic, I'd like to make a reference to this post I found online on how to use 'masyaallah', 'innalillah' and 'insyaallah' in the right context and not to misinterpret it.
Innalillahi wa innalillahi rajiun- from Him we come and to Him is the return of all.
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