"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"
It's been a while since I've planned to open up a blog and so I've finally done it. I've been putting off writing a blog for a variety of reasons but after reading a few muslimah blogs, I've decided it's time.
I want to use this blog mainly to record my spiritual journey - it's been a year since I've put on the hijab and every day it is a challenge for me because putting on a hijab is not just about covering your hair; it's also about watching your words, your actions and increasing your iman. I am here now, learning to love Rasulallah s.a.w and always doing things in remembrance of Allah every day.
In a few days, it will be Nisfu Syaaban, a day where our book of deeds are carried to heaven and replaced with a new one. It is my hope that I would be able to fill that book with more pahala than dosa in the coming year. Insyaallah.
Hopefully, through my writings, I would be able to achieve some level of kafarah; a chance to cover my past sins and repent with taubatan nasuhah in the name of Allah.
At the same time, I hope to learn as much along the way from other women on other blogs, from those more knowledgeable than I and of course, from my own mistakes.
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