This morning I woke up and it was so dark that I thought it was still 8am but it turned out to be 10.30am. Goodness, I've overslept! I thought of doing laundry but judging from the weather I don't think that's advisable coz it looks like it will rain the whole day.
So I decided to continue writing my story. Ah yes, I'm a freelance writer for an online repository and I haven't been sending in any fiction lately so I've decided to continue writing. To my horror, I found it missing in my thumbdrive! Astagfirallah...
I eventually found it in my external hard drive, alhamdullillah, and I will be starting on it soon. Influenced by The Mentalist and In Death, it's no surprise about the genre i've undertaken this time.
Ok, that aside, this entry is actually about my first Raspberry Swirls Cheesecake I made for my family, in particular my youngest brother who had asked for it months ago. Alhamdullillah, it turned out great and I am grateful for Allah for giving me the knowledge and patience to make it.
So first up, here are the ingredients:
There was only a punnet of raspberries left so I had to supplement it with some blackberries to make up 200ml of puree for the cake later.
So after about 3 hours of mixing, kneading and baking, here's what the cake look like:
Still in it's pan... looks so pretty in the sun light doesn't it?
Here you go... out of the pan and onto the plate. That's the first slice for my middle brother. The youngest one was too busy with his homework to eat. Bleagh. But my brother said it was nice and asked me to open a bakery with him! So sweet!
I have yet to let Hubtobe eat it. He usually doesn't like sweet stuff but he has promised to eat this cake because I have lovingly made it. =)
Alhamdulillah the cake has turned out wonderful. For the first time, the crust actually did not break so that's another thing I'm grateful for. Insyaallah, I'll make more cakes in the future.
There's this one lady whom I owe alot of inspiration from. Her blog is here: She has made a few cakes for me and my cousins and we are always grateful to her and she has very ethical business and is a pious woman as well, thus, salute!
As for me, I will constantly try to gain as much knowledge as possible especially with regards to cooking and baking, so I that I can be a good wife, daughter and sister to my loved ones. As Imam Shafiee said, “There is nothing more sacred after the fundamental obligations of faith than searching for knowledge” (Kitab al-Um).
Insyaallah, with Allah's permission, I will be better. =)