"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"
As I was stirring the pineapple filling over the fire for my pineapple tarts, I started thinking about my life and what I should aim to do better.
And the first thing that came to my mind is that:
I should be nicer to Hubtobe. Truly, he treats me very well; never complains even when I bully him or rant and rave about my day. He's patient and always gives in to my whims and almost always lets me eat wherever I want. Though of course he can get really annoying when he starts nagging at me about things or when he misinterprets what I say or forgot my instructions.
But at the end of the day, I think he puts up with alot of my nonsense; more than I put up with his... and so alhamdulillah syukur to Allah for giving me such a person whom I have yet to cherish properly.
So this year, I promise I will try to be a better person. I pray that Allah gives me the strength to be patient and help me cleanse my heart of these darkness and bitterness and meanness towards Hubtobe. Insyaallah, Amin...
Secondly, this year, I also aim to learn how to cook more dishes and bake a bit more. While my mother is still strong and still around, I should learn as much as I can from her and in the future I will learn from my mother-in-law as well. These are all knowledge and they come from Allah. Someday when I have children, I will make sure both my boys and girls know how to cook because knowledge shouldn't exclude or judge based on race, religion or gender. There is no such thing as bad knowledge. It is only how we use that knowledge that determines if it is bad or good.
Lastly of course, I pray that this semester ends with a second upper honours degree and that my parents can be there to see me take my certificate and be proud. They didn't even know that I got a perfect score of 5 for my gpa this year. Alhamdulillah for that. I want them to be proud of me; to know that their efforts at coaching me since young has paid off and that the sweat and pain that they took to raise me has moulded me into a better person.
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