Thursday, January 20, 2011

I've finally found her

Today, I suddenly googled someone's name and to my surprise, I found her livejournal. It's her public writing so I assume she doesn't mind someone reading it. And really, I do want to know her because she had been the inspiration for me to be the muslimah that I am today.

Reading her eloquent words, I feel humbled to know such a person and even more ashamed that I could never be even close to where she's standing. In my eyes, she's the type of woman any muslim man would want as a wife. But of course, she's already married and that makes her even more amazing.

Marrying while still in school; juggling work, school and family and still being grateful to Allah for everything...

I'm going to read her entries one at a time, slowly I guess... in hopes that it would make me into a better person. Insyaallah...

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