Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Making friends

"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"

Today after class, a year one girl approached me and asked me where's the musollah. Masyaallah... I was so touched.

Firstly, I was so honoured that she chose to ask me although there were other muslim girls in the class. Maybe Allah has deemed me the right person to direct her. And I am very grateful to have walked with her to the musollah although I can't pray. We talked about school and I gave her alot of advice as a senior to a junior.

Secondly, I was touched in that there are still good muslims out there who still remember to pray. Alhamdulillah... It made me realise that when I was her age 3 years ago... I had never asked that question before. =( I do not want to imagine how much sins I had back then or how many of my fasts were invalid because I did not pray back then. =( It made me sad.

But it also made me grateful that I have 4 very good muslim friends who stayed by me throughout (even when there was a time I wanted to distance from them for they were too halal for me). Astaghfiruallah... May Allah forgive me for that...

They gave me the guidance when I needed it- especially when I first started wearing the hijab and re-learning about Islam again... I am grateful to Allah for destining me to sit with them on the first day of school and for allowing me to have true friends whom I really love very much. Insyaallah we will be friends till we have our own children. Amin.

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