Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Teachers' Day

"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"

Today the kids have no school because it's teachers' day. Even my youngest brother slept in today. It's his birthday also but we're not really celebrating it. It's like that in my family. We just keep it within the family, remind each other that we love each other and we're grateful to Allah that we're alive.

Well that aside, I had to teach the children today and perhaps I was tired and sleepy and they too were tired and sleepy so I ended up scolding them alot. The girl's used to it... sometimes I think my scolding and nagging doesn't work on her anymore. But the boy got a bit hurt today. He said this to me:

"Just now you scolded my sister, now you scold me."

Oh gosh... I'm so sorry my baby.. I really didn't mean to scold you so much... but you were really making me lose my patience. It was then I realise that I am fasting and so I tried to control my temper. Even when he was sleeping with his eyes awake and day dreaming while I ask him to answer a question, I kept my voice down and did not scold him. Usually I don't scold him because he's quite smart and learns fast but today he was especially braindead and it was only 11am!

I asked Hubtobe if I should buy them something to say sorry, but he said that I should not pamper them too much. Oh dear. What should I do?

Okay, on another note, I've decided to change the layout of the blog. When I first started, I did it simply to get the blog running but soon forgot to customize it. So here are a few options. The picture colour's not too exact but it's close.

I like these kinda russet tones. Sets me in the mood! I'm gonna ponder a while then maybe play around with the templates then nag at Hubtobe to help me decide.

That's all for now! For all the teachers out there, have a good rest today!

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