Saturday, February 19, 2011

Love despite Disabilities

Today I saw a friend post up this page from the Manja magazine (a malay medium in Singapore) that talks about couples whom despite their difficulties still manage to find love.

In this particular article, the groom to be is born deaf but his fiancee has taken it with a pinch of salt and learned to adapt to him to make their relationship work... and insyaallah their marriage too. You see, his fiancee was a schoolmate of mine and she went through a lot more hardships than most other people have gone through and so I guess deafness is not really a bad thing. To me, it is kesyukuran... because you are spared from the gossips of people, from listening to bad influences.

This schoolmate of mine used to have a sister who is the same age as me and the sister died of cancer when we were only 14 years old. I used to remember thinking that this girl (the sister) who died as a virgin would forever be accepted into the gardens of heaven. Insyaallah...

So back to the topic.

From this lesson, I feel that we should not see disabilities or any other misgivings [include plus-sized people, scarred faces etc] as God's lackluster creations but reach within and see the goodness in them. Not to quote Gaga here, but in her song 'Born this way' I like this phrase "Coz God makes no mistakes". Yes, He doesn't and so who are we to push away those we judge as less 'perfect'. Only Allah has that right to judge.

So, Insyaallah, I hope I can be a better person from this lesson today... that I would be able to look past the surface and see people for who they are and accept them without judgement because I believe that Allah made us all perfect.

Wallahualam bisawab.

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