"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"
My brother is handicapped and since he graduated from school, he's had a hard time finding a job. So I've decided to help him by creating a job!
I've asked him to coordinate and manage a home-based business but he doesn't seem that interested. I was thinking that I could make various cross-stitch and handicrafts and sell them via facebook and online. It's really a good thing coz at least he can have some experience with handling orders and postage and accounting.
He did business in school so he should be able to do this job... but he does seem reluctant... maybe coz it's a 'girly' business. I felt very sad when I saw his response. =( I really want to help... and the worst part is, I am the one who has to do all the sewing etc and yet I'm not asking for much of the profit- I'll just take the amount needed to pay for the materials.
Well... I've sent out a pilot to see how my friends think of my work... and also if they think I could actually start a business with it.
Insyaallah... with Allah's guidance and permission, this venture will take off.
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