Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A simpson take on PhDs and Grad students

 "In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"

In this hilarious clip, the Simpsons show some of the ideas that people have about grad students and PhD students. It's a sad but true phenomenon and it's something that I should keep in mind too.

However, in Singapore, it is almost the opposite mentality. Grad students are coveted (of course in the right fields) but sometimes they can be seen as too 'expensive' commodities in the labour market.

Nevertheless, it's something worth remembering about our quest to seek knowledge... and that's why I'm putting up this link. Education should be pursued in itself and not because of other material rewards it may bring. Remember always that rezeki is from Allah and He chooses to give it to whomever He wants.

The Simpsons - Comments about PhDs and Grad Students. [HQ]

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