"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"
A friend of mine sent me this email and I thought I'd share it here. =)
This is so unfair. I keep up with my salah and try my best to not get annoyed with people around me. I help my friends and family without asking anything in return. Alhamdulillah, I'm better off than so many others. I'm not asking to be in euphoria, but am I so wrong for wanting things to go right for once?
Whenever I pray, I make duaa for myself and my loved ones. The next thing I know, the prayers I made for others are answered Alhamdulillah.
But what about my own struggles? It is bittersweet seeing everyone around me relieved while I am suffering.
"Selfish" and "jealous" are the first words that "I" tell "me" when I get over my moment of frustration. I remind myself that Allah will not put me in a situation that I cannot handle. I tell myself that another person's good fortune does not diminish my good fortune or potential for increased blessings, so I should not feel despondent when I see others in a good state while I am in a not-so-good state.
The hardships we go through, financial, social, or emotional, are all a test from Allah. It was reported by Tirmithi that the Prophet (PBUH), said: "If Allah loves a people, He tests them."
We need to be patient in the face of our trials. Patience is more than tapping our feet while waiting in line, or smiling on the outside while churning up negative thoughts. Patience is part of tawakkul, reliance on Allah.
Patience is refusing to sink into despair in the face of obstacles. Patience is staying clam when every fiber of your being is telling you to panic. Patience is saying Alhamdulillah when we are sad.
We may not see it, but expressions such as "Ugh, not again!" or "Why me?" or "This is always my luck!" are very egotistical and come from a place of arrogance. It is as if we think that we are so perfect, so deserving that we should be able to demand an easy, stress-free life. But that is missing the point. We are tested with hardships in this life so that we may return to Allah with a faith much stronger than before, and at a higher stations.
Prophet Ayoub (Job) is the exemplary figure of a patient servant of Allah. After he was tested with the loss of his wealth and the death of his children, Satan came to him in the form of a man offering his sympathies, hoping that Prophet Ayyub would become angry with Allah: "The circumstances under which your children died were sad. Surely, your Lord is not rewarding you properly for all your prayers."
Prophet Ayyub replied: "Allah sometimes gives and sometimes takes. He is sometimes pleased and sometimes displeased with our deeds. Whether a thing is beneficial or harmful to me, I will remain firm in my belief and remain thankful to my Creator."
This is the backbone of life. Plants cannot grow unless the rain falls. Ice cold water will never be refreshing if we never got tried in the sun. As one of my favorite quotes says:
"Hardships make us strong. Problems give birth to wisdom. Sorrows cultivate compassion. Those who have suffered the most will become the happiest." When we are faced with difficulties, we should make the best of them and remind ourselves that nothing is possible without the mercy of Al-Basit (The Expander).
When Prophet Ayyub was taking a bath, a group of locusts fell on him. Instead of reacting with irritation, he gathered them in his garment (they are a delicacy among some peoples). Allah called to him and said: "Have I not made you too rich to need what you see?" He said: "Yes, O Lord! But I cannot shun Your Blessings" (Bukhari).
When the rain falls don’t complain. Catch the droplets on your tongue and praise Allah for His blessings.
(Courtesy: Al Jumuah Magazine)
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