Monday, October 25, 2010


"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"

Alhamdullilah, my recess week is over. Somehow I find myself at a loss with so much free time that scheduling seems redundant. Today is a good Monday morning and so I have a few things to write down just for my own remembrance:

1) I am grateful to have my professor supervisor; even though he is very demanding and very difficult to please. He is very prompt in his replies to my emails and always gives me questions and pointers that make me think deeply. Insyaallah, under his guidance, I will have a better planning exercise and I will produce a good thesis paper. I pray that Allah will make this journey for me a little easier.

2) Today I saw a friend posting something on facebook that went like this- If you have a target to get wed, why not also have a target to go to haj?
It struck me that one. Of course, I would love to go to haj. Another friend commented that it's not just the spiritual and financial preparations but also freeing up time. Hubtobe and I have sort of planned [though hazy] that we should go to umrah, or haj before/during our holidays before we see the world. This is of course subject to whether we marry before or after my masters. But I do so wish to have some time for ourselves to travel and do our umrah and/or haj before the kids come. But then again, I found out about someone who planned to go to haj after her third child has weaned off and they would go before they have a fourth child. Masyaallah.... and they planned this at the very start of their marriage. =)

3) I plan to take it one day at a time. Somehow things are getting harder for me, since that day. Each day to rebuild myself and to have a stronger faith that Allah is the best of all planners.



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