Sunday, August 7, 2011

The month of patience and perseverance

Truly, He only shows us things when we are ready to see... or to remind us of our wrongdoings so that we can quickly return to the right path. 

He does this in subtle ways... sometimes you might miss it if you're not looking or paying attention. But more importantly is what you do after He has given you the knowledge. 

But this is after all the month to test your patience and perseverance... and like Ustadz said, if you can learn to stay away from what is good for you (food and water) then surely you can stay away from what is bad. 

I have asked Allah for forgiveness for past sins... but truly sometimes it is the humans on earth that know no forgiveness. 

They say that the truth hurts but it is also cathartic. When you pray for forgiveness, I guess there's no need to hide anything since He knows everything. 

For truly He is Most Knowledgeable and Forgiving.