Monday, May 23, 2011


Mengaji is the Malay word for reading/learning Quran because of the root word 'kaji' which means to explore, research, study. And truly, reading the Quran is not just about saying the words out loud but learning about it... which is what I've tried to do these past years.

Learning- from the meanings to the 'rules' and grammar of Arab. It's beautiful... and for the fact that I am still in touch with my ustadz and ustazah  for 10 years since I first started to learn with them is wonderful.

Even though the children who come to study at their home change every few years, I am still the one who stayed... and grew together with my teachers and their family. I've seen their eldest marry and held their youngest; belched her a few times and now she's all grown up and very naughty as children are- running around and all.

I recalled how I was one of those young children, with my own peers, learning and reading the Quran together with them... where are they now, these friends of mine? Have they grown into good Muslims and Muslimahs? Insyaallah.

It feels good to return to learning tajwid with my ustad and hearing him read the Quran after a long hiatus...
Some things like these, I will cherish forever.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's Voting time!

In a few hours I will be voting for the very first time!

Excited? Just a little. Singapore does need more voice in its parliament. But then again, we are an electoral democracy which means that the elections are just a way to legitimize the authoritarian's rule here. Which is fine for many of us because we see it as so natural.

I shan't even go into this topic. I'm hip deep in my sociology module on state power that I'm having a headache.

So we shall just wait and see how the election goes. Insyaallah, it will go well. May more opposition enter the parliament -an increase in 5% would also be good.