Sunday, December 19, 2010

On weddings and Questions

"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"

It has been quite some time since I've written anything here. Masyaallah. I just did not have any ilham to write anything. However, today I went for a close friend's wedding and solemnization and I felt the need to write.

Although I am sad that I didn't get to take a photo with her, I am happy that at least I got to make doa for her during her solemnization, to ask Allah for blessings for her future. As Muslims, we all have alot to work on and improve so I hope that marriage is one way for her to become a better Muslimah... insyaallah. Hopefully she'll don the hijab someday too then at least I won't be the only one wearing it when we go out.  =)

I found a website (Ar Rihla)  with 100 Pre-Marital Questions that couples getting married ought to ask themselves. Hopefully the newly married couple have addressed some of these to secure a happy marriage in the future. As for me, I too hope that I can answer these questions someday with Hubtobe. Heh.

I doa for the best for them and that I pray that He blesses me with the same rezeki soon. 